Peace and compassion

Peace and compassion is nothing to do with the physical condition and ability to be performing the different yoga poses.

How healthy, fit, skillful, strong, and flexible is the physical body cannot determine whether the mind is peaceful and compassionate, or not.

Just do one's best in the yoga practice, without forcing the body and mind beyond its limitation, do what is possible and comfortable in the present moment, and what is possible or impossible and what is comfortable or uncomfortable in the present moment will change.

It's more about relaxing into all the positions, devoid of struggling in the different poses.

It's about keep practicing or keep trying, without attachment, identification, craving and aversion, comparison, judgment or expectation towards the practice and the result or the effect of the practice, that leads towards devoid of attachment, identification, craving and aversion, comparison, judgment or expectation towards all actions and the fruit of actions in life.

The fruit, or the result, or the effect of the yoga practice will still be there as it is, it doesn't increase or decrease, regardless of whether the practitioner knows and expects what kind of benefits of the many different yoga asana, or not.

It takes certain amount of patience, forbearance, determination, and perseverance, as well as acceptance, adjustment, adaptation, and accommodation for the body and mind to be keep practicing without forcing, until the body and mind is able to be completely relaxed into all the different yoga asana positions, effortlessly.

Similarly, to be able to be peaceful and compassionate in life under any circumstances, conditions and situations, it requests all those mental strength and flexibility to be the basic foundation that support the mind to be able to inquire and reflect the truth of everything under a calmed and undisturbed state of mind, to attain correct understanding or wisdom, that enabling the mind to be peaceful and compassionate, unconditionally.
