The stamina that matters

The stamina that matters in the path of yoga, is not about the physical stamina, but it's about the presence of the intense yearning for liberation, the perseverance, the determination, the patience, and the acceptance, as well as adopting the middle path and respecting the nature's law of cause and effect, or the selfless impermanent changes, that enabling the mind to be keep practicing until the annihilation of ignorance, or the direct realization towards the truth of selflessness and impermanence takes place, without egoistic attachment, identification, desire of craving and aversion, comparison, judgment, or expectation, transcending all kinds of unpleasant, disagreeable, undesirable, challenging, or difficult conditions, situations, obstacles, affairs, ties and relationships, interactions, experiences, or duties and responsibilities, not being determined or disturbed by all kinds of experiences, or the fruit of actions.
